While on the website www.yucatan.legal you agree NOT to:
- Send spam through or to this site,
- Use this site to break any law of any country,
- Use the contact us section of this site to solicit business, services, or products (I'm talking to the thousands of web designers, web developers, and other randos who think they can somehow improve my life by pointing out inconsequential and subjective flaws that are more a matter of style), and
- Hack, modify, alter, change, redesign, recode, redevelop, snoop, break, overwrite, unlawfully access, or otherwise jack with my website.
I agree not to track where you've been or where you're goin' on the web. I agree not to send spam to you because I hate spam. I don't have social media links to this site because I despise what social media platforms have done to what was left of YOUR democracy. I have no interest in sharing anything of mine or anything of yours with any government or with any of the Silicon Valley billionaires who share with YOUR government anyways. I agree to fight any subpoena sent to me requesting whatever limited data is available to me about you.

Watch very carefully for the removal of the warrant canary photo above this paragraph. If you don’t see black canary on the branch inside the yellow box, assume what should be assumed, then reread the last sentence of my privacy policy.