…because the police and prosecutors are not your friends. George C. Lobb was wrongfully arrested at the age of ten because a cop could not tell the difference between a 10-year-old boy and the actual suspect, a college-aged adult. George was tossed into the back of a hot cop car and wrongfully accused of assault because he wore the same shoes as the suspect. The victim walked over to the cop car, looked at George, and said to the cop, “you idiot, I said a college kid”. Imagine what poor judgment and lack of training does to innocent people on a daily basis. The police think the prosecutors and the judges will dismiss the case if you are innocent. Ask anyone convicted of crime they did not commit about how prosecutors and judges assume guilt. Fate sent George, at the age of ten, to a career as a lawyer, your lawyer.

We Fight for Your Freedom
We secure your release from jail, begin an independent investigation, and aggressively defend your rights. The police and prosecution are not your friends when you stand accused of a crime. That is why we stand beside you in your time of need. We are not a “one-size-fits-all” law firm that runs on volume, instead we provide highly-personalized attention.
Criminal Defense Practice Areas
Our law firm handles all types of state and federal criminal cases, mounting a strong
defense for every client.
Examples of our cases include:
Assault and Battery
Driving While Intoxicated
Extradition defense
Gun cases
Theft and shoplifting cases
Sex crimes
Motor vehicle collisions
White-collar crimes
Juvenile defense
If you or your loved one has been accused of one of these crimes or others, contact our criminal defense law firm immediately to begin work on your defense strategy. If you want to better understand why we are passionate about defending the criminally accused, click here to learn more about about George C. Lobb's personal experience.

Help! I'm in Jail
A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Someone out of Jail in MexicoFriends and loved ones, when arrested, must wait in jail until the released by the judge. This is not always an automatic process and often requires an attorney willing to fight for bail. We appear with your friend or loved one and the “juez de barandilla”, the official in charge of reviewing the initial arrest report. The next stage, “la audiencia de control de detención”. We file all the motions pursuant to Articles 14 and 16 of the Mexican Constitution to fight for release from custody.
To help get someone out
of jail, call Attorney George C. Lobb with the first name, last name, and
date of birth of the person arrested, as well as the place of arrest.
You can
call or text during the day and after working hours. (+52) 99 9163
- Collect a retainer fee from you.
- Interview the client.
- Get 3 personal references (to verify the client identity).
- Meet with pretrial services to begin bond paperwork.
- Wait for pretrial services background check.
- Wait for the alleged victim to call pretrial services (in assault cases).
- Convince the judge to sign the bond.
Lobb y Pellegrini. will quote the attorney fee for you to retain our services. You can meet with Lobb y Pellegrini. at the jail or in our office to pay the fee or charge it to a credit or debit card online or over the phone.
Some cases will cost more and some will cost less. The attorney retainer fee amount depends on:
- the facts of the offense charged,
- the criminal history of the accused, and
- whether immigration issues exist.
- the facts of the offense charged,
- the criminal history of the accused, and
- the alleged victim's input (in assault cases).
Once your friend or loved one is released from jail, they must:
- stay in contact with Lobb y Pellegrini
- show up to court, and
- satisfy any conditions written on the bond “medidas cautelares”.
(Federal Inmate Locator)
(State of Yucatan Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Quintana Roo Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Campeche Prosecutor's Office)
(Mexico City Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Nuevo Leon Prosecutor's office)
(State of Jalisco Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Baja California del Sur Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Mexico Prosecutor's Office)
(State of Chihuahua Prosecutor's Office)
(Foreign Ministry Extradition FAQ's in Spanish)
US State Department US Citizen Services
(US State Department Office of the Legal Adviser)
(Interpol Red Notices)

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Criminal Case Process
A criminal case usually follows the following steps:- Alleged crime reported or detected
- Arrest warrant issued by judge
- Warrant executed (your arrest)
- Booked into jail
- Call Lobb y Pellegrini to arrange a bond and investigate your case
- Get out of jail and comply with bond conditions
- Contact us for your first court date
- Appear in court as directed by Lobb y Pellegrini. (sometimes you do not have to appear. Call +52 99 9163 5627 for details)
- Keep in contact with us throughout your case
- Pretrial motions (e.g., motion to suppress evidence)
- Offer negotiated with prosecutor
- Discuss the prosecutor's offer
- If you reject the offer, the case is set for trial for a later date.
- We prepare for trial by filing more motions or “amparos”.
- Your case is tried and we fight to prove your innocence
- Depending on the outcome, a motion for new trial or appeal is filed.
These steps, and how long each step takes, will vary depending on whether or not:
- You are charged with a low-level offense or a serious crime
- You are a juvenile or adult
- The type of offense (drugs, assault, guns, theft, etc.)
Please contact Lobb y Pellegrini to discuss the details of your case and get started defending your rights and restoring your reputation.

We Have to Demand Justice to Get Justice
The police arrest innocent people every day.In September of my 4th-grade year, a cop arrested me after school because I looked like a college student suspected of committing an assault in a nearby park. After an hour in the police car without a running air conditioner, one of the witnesses looked through the windscreen and said, “I said college kid, you idiot”. The cop took his sweet time to let me go because he refused to believe I didn't have a government-issued identification card.
Wrongful arrests and wrongful convictions exist because of poor training, racially biased investigations, and the assumption of infallibility. The police and prosecutors are rarely held accountable for their mistakes and malicious acts. What happened to me that hot September afternoon could happen to anyone. The system will not protect us automatically. Demand justice to get justice.
Contact Lobb y Pellegrini. so we can get to work on your defense immediately.

Tell Us Your Story
Customize a Strategy for Your Best DefenseYou came to me with an important matter affecting you. Our work begins with listening to your story and preparing a strategy that meets your needs. Each and every one of our clients has a story to tell that is unique to them, and we want to hear yours. Explaining your case is the first step to achieving your legal goals. Please contact Lobb y Pellegrini. and setup time to speak with one of our attorneys to discuss your legal matter.

Extradition Defense
We Defend Against Domestic and International ExtraditionThe government of the United States abuses due process in seeking the extradition of people outside its borders. It puts illegal pressure on other countries and engages in bribery and corruption to achieve its goal as the world's policeman. The United States interferes in the internal process of other countries pretending to protect democracy and ends up destroying democracy. The justice system will not protect us automatically. Demand justice to get justice.
We have aggressively and successfully fought extradition for our clients, including both interstate extradition and international extradition. If you are facing extradition, contact Lobb y Pellegrini. immediately so we can begin working on your defense. It's extremely important that you contact us in a timely manner so we can move quickly to defend your rights.
- State governments in the United States use interstate extradition as the legal procedure to demand the surrender of a person alleged to have committed a crime in another state. Extradition is reciprocal and governed by each state's law.
- Countries use international extradition as the legal procedure to demand the surrender of a person alleged to have committed a crime in another country. Lobb y Pellegrini. can assist you in fighting both types of extradition anywhere in the world.
- State-to-state extradition begins with the issuance of an arrest warrant by the requesting state. This warrant is then placed into a nationwide database called NCIC (National Crime Information Center). The NCIC is checked every time you get stopped by the police, enter the United States from a foreign country (by land, sea, or air), apply for or renew a driver's license, or apply for or renew a passport. Once the warrant is executed, a hold is placed on you by the requesting state. You usually sit in jail unless you hire an attorney to arrange for a bond. If you do not act quickly, a governor's warrant will issue and you will NOT get out of jail. Please contact Lobb y Pellegrini. for details on how to challenge interstate extradition.
- Each country's extradition treaty governs international extradition. You can be extradited if an extradition treaty exists between the United States and the foreign power, or whenever a country is an Interpol member. Whenever you enter (or sometimes when you exit) a country, the passport control agent or immigration authority will check your name against an Interpol database. You will be detained if you have a Red Notice issued with your name on it. Whether or not you are extradited is a question of treaties and international law. You can find a list of treaties between the United States and other countries at the State Department's Criminal Division of the Office of International Affair.
- Countries without reciprocal treaties on extradition may still seek extradition for crimes of violence committed against citizens of that country. To understand the non-treaty extradition concept, consider this unlikely scenario for clarification. If someone allegedly commits homicide in North Korea against a citizen of the United States, the United States can seek extradition of that suspect from North Korea even though North Korea and the United States lack a reciprocal extradition treaty. In reality, this would not happen because of strained relations between the two, but the legal framework exists in the United States to allow for the United States to seek extradition in that case, even without a treaty or Interpol membership of both countries. Please contact Lobb y Pellegrini. for details on how to challenge international extradition.
Both countries must share a treaty permitting extradition between the two countries before a government can extradite someone from one country to another. Many countries share extradition treaties with the United States. Each treaty differs with respect to which offense are extraditable. Extradition treaties signed by the United States require that the offense be a crime in the United States and the country requesting extradition.
The United States Department of State (DOS) and the United States Justice Department handle extraditions. Usually, the police or prosecutor's office makes a request that a person be extradited. This request goes to the Department of Justice's Office of International Affairs. The OIA passes the request to the DOS Legal Advisor. The Legal Advisor passes the request to the United States Embassy in the country where the wanted person is located. The embassy then submits the request to the foreign government. If the foreign government honors the extradition request, the foreign government is responsible for arresting the wanted person and turning him or her over to the local Embassy of the United States.
Once the detained person is handed over to the U.S. Embassy, the United States Marshals transport the detainee to the United States. Lobb y Pellegrini. fights this extradition process so that the detainee is allowed to stay in the foreign country, or if you choose not to fight, Lobb y Pellegrini. assists in speeding up the process so that you do not linger in government custody for extended periods. It is important to talk with Lobb y Pellegrini. so that your story can be heard and your rights can be defended.
Although the law entitles you to fight extradition, special rules apply in airports. Some countries treat airports as extrajudicial (beyond justice) and have, in the past, taken a suspect off of one plane and loaded him or her onto another plane bound for the requesting country. All of this occured without a trial, without a hearing, and without commonly-accepted extradition procedures.
Over the last 200 years, the United States Supreme Court, federal appellate courts, federal district courts, and Congress put in many hours of hard work to limit or completely extinguish your constitutional rights. To cite an example, the U.S. government takes the position that it can execute a U.S. citizen without a trial when that person is in a foreign country and does not pose an immediate threat to the United States. Nothing prevents the United States from running an internment camp again (see U.S. v. Korematsu). Nothing prevents the United States government from detaining someone indefinitely, in an undisclosed location, without meaningful access to a lawyer, without the right to examine evidence against you. Why do we cite these examples? To bring home the reality that the government will rarely respect your rights unless you have someone on your side fighting to defend your rights.
“Defenses” are tools used to fight extradition of a suspect to the United States or to fight extradition from the United States to another country. These defenses include, but are not limited to: 1) citizenship of the country of retreat, 2) non-extraditable crime, and 3) expiration of the statute of limitations and the crime cannot be charged against you. Other factors affect extradition, e.g. serious medical conditions (Augusto Pinochet). When considering all options, an extradition waiver should be weighed along with defenses. Again, each case is different and your options will become clearer once you consult with me about your case.
- Not all nations will extradite their citizens to another country, e.g. Israel and France.
- Some countries refuse to extradite to the United States if there is a chance the death penalty will be imposed, e.g. Mexico.
- Most countries will not extradite if the offense is considered a political crime or for other reasons stipulated in the extradition treaty, such as military offenses like desertion
- Many treaties contain provisions that prevent extradition if the person has already been tried and either convicted or acquitted of the crime
- Countries may also refuse to extradite on humanitarian or foreign policy grounds
- The fugitive is a national of the country of retreat
- The crime is not extraditable
- The statute of limitations expired and the offense cannot be charged
- Serious medical conditions
- Additionally, most extradition treaties contain a provision known as the “rule of specialty.” This rule provides that a person who has been extradited may be prosecuted only for the offense listed in the extradition request. The rule is to ensure that a person is not extradited on a pretext, only to be prosecuted for an offense for which extradition may not be allowed. The rule of specialty may be waived by the nation from which a person is extradited.
Blue Notices (surveillance)
Red Notices: Can be searched via the Interpol webpage
Blue Notices: Cannot be searched on the Interpol webpage. It is not possible to determine whether or not Interpol is conducting surveillance on you.
Note: Some Red Notices do NOT appear on the Interpol webpage. The system used by the police to check for Interpol Red Notices is separate from the public version available online. It is best to contact Lobb y Pellegrini. to determine whether or not a Red Notice or Interpol warrant exists.
| Albania
| Algeria
| Andorra
| Angola
| Antigua
& Barbuda | Argentina
| Armenia
| Aruba
| Australia
| Austria
| Azerbaijan
| Bahrain
| Bangladesh
| Barbados
| Belarus
| Belgium
| Belize
| Benin
| Bhutan
| Bolivia
| Bosnia
and Herzegovina | Botswana
| Brazil
| Brunei
| Bulgaria
| Burkina-Faso
| Burundi
| Cameroon
| Canada
| Cape
Verde | Central
African Republic | Chad
| Chile
| China
| Colombia
| Comoros
| Congo
| Congo
(Democratic Rep.) | Costa
Rica | Croatia
| Cuba
| Curaçao
| Cyprus
| Czech
Republic | Côte
| Djibouti
| Dominica
| Dominican
| Egypt
| El
Salvador | Equatorial
Guinea | Eritrea
| Estonia
| Ethiopia
| Finland
| Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | France
| Gambia
| Georgia
| Germany
| Ghana
| Greece
| Grenada
| Guatemala
| Guinea
| Guinea
Bissau | Guyana
| India
| Indonesia
| Iran
| Iraq
| Ireland
| Israel
| Italy
| Kenya
| Korea
(Rep. of) | Kuwait
| Kyrgyzstan
| Latvia
| Lebanon
| Lesotho
| Liberia
| Libya
| Liechtenstein
| Lithuania
| Luxembourg
| Malawi
| Malaysia
| Maldives
| Mali
| Malta
| Marshall
Islands | Mauritania
| Mauritius
| Mexico
| Moldova
| Monaco
| Mongolia
| Montenegro
| Morocco
| Mozambique
| Myanmar
| Nauru
| Nepal
| Netherlands
| New
Zealand | Nicaragua
| Niger
| Nigeria
| Norway
| Panama
| Papua
New Guinea | Paraguay
| Peru
| Philippines
| Poland
| Portugal
| San
Marino | Sao
Tome & Principe | Saudi
Arabia | Senegal
| Serbia
| Seychelles
| Sierra
Leone | Singapore
| Sint
Maarten | Slovakia
| Slovenia
| Somalia
| South
Africa | South
Sudan (Rep. of) | Spain
| Sri
Lanka | St
Kitts & Nevis | St
Lucia | St
Vincent & Grenadines | Sudan
| Suriname
| Swaziland
| Sweden
| Switzerland
| Syria
| Tanzania
| Thailand
| Timor
Leste | Togo
| Tonga
| Trinidad
& Tobago | Tunisia
| Turkey
| Turkmenistan
| Ukraine
| United
Arab Emirates | United
Kingdom | United
States | Uruguay
| Uzbekistan
City State | Venezuela
| Vietnam
*This list of Interpol members may change from one day to the next. Please consult www.Interpol.int for current information.
Where you are wanted, where you reside, where you hold citizenship, and where you are detained and awaiting extradition are among many factors affecting your extradition case. Each of the examples found below may result in different outcomes for different reasons:
Detained Inside the United States and Wanted by Another Country
(As a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S.A)
Detained Inside the United States and Wanted by Another Country
(NOT as a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S.A)
Detained Outside the United States and Wanted by the United States
(As a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S.A)
Detained Outside the United States and Wanted by the United States
(NOT as a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the U.S.A)
Detained Outside the United States and Wanted by the United States
(with dual citizenship- U.S.A. and another country)
How Long Does an Extradition Case Last?
- The length of an extradition case depends on:
- The nature of the offense charged
- The level of desire to extradite the individual
- The nature of the treaty between the two countries
- The speed with which both countries' domestic legal systems operate
- Whether or not the wanted individual is a citizen of the host country